Distracted driving is a hot auto safety topic these days, thanks to the growing use of electronic communication devices behind the wheel. As more and more automakers prepare to roll out vehicles equipped with sophisticated computers on dashboards and all kinds of other technologies, it is clear to Las Vegas accident lawyers that the distracted driving problem is not going away anytime soon.
Distracted driving is a hot auto safety topic these days, thanks to the growing use of electronic communication devices behind the wheel. As more and more automakers prepare to roll out vehicles equipped with sophisticated computers on dashboards and all kinds of other technologies, it is clear to Las Vegas accident lawyers that the distracted driving problem is not going away anytime soon.
The fact is that motorists have been driving distracted for decades. It's only now because of rampant cell phone use that the problem has received the attention due to it, but people have been chatting with passengers, fiddling with radio stations, reading, applying makeup, snacking, and as a recen
t survey showed, even making out behind the wheel for generations.
Here are some ways you can minimize distractions while at the wheel:
First, avoid using your cell phone while driving. Some states allow motorists to use hands-free sets while driving, but Las Vegas personal injury attorneys would not recommend using these sets unless necessary and you're confident you can drive while having a conversation.
If your work requires you to be available 24/7 and you take an important call, try to pull over when safe.
Avoid buying food while in the car. Studies indicate that people, who stop by at fast food outlets on the way to work or elsewhere, end up eating in the car. Eating requires you to take your hand off the steering wheel, which is always dangerous.
Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier to give you time to complete your personal grooming before you begin driving.
Some of the biggest distractions come when you're driving with kids in the car. Teach your kids the golden rules of traveling in the car with you. Tell them that you can't talk to them, and that they must not make noise or throw tantrums while traveling. If the kids are too young to understand, have toys and other aids in the car to keep them busy while you're driving.
Remember the golden rule - anything that takes your hands off the wheel, your eyes off the road and your mind off driving, is a serious distraction.