In addition to the physical injuries you can suffer in an auto accident, there is also the matter of damage to your vehicle.
In addition to the physical injuries you can suffer in an auto accident, there is also the matter of damage to your vehicle. You can make a property damage claim for repairs — or fair market value, if your car was totaled. But who pays for the damage? The other driver's insurance company can pay, or your own, if the accident was caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, depending on your coverage.
Problems can arise with a property damage claim, from the insurance company offering less than you need or deserve, to transportation during the time you have no car. A personal injury lawyer can handle all aspects of your vehicle accident, including property damage claims.
Personal injury law firms know how to properly address insurance company damage claims involving:
• Assessment of all vehicle damage
• Fair estimates for repair costs
• Your vehicles true market value
• Rental car negotiation
• Underinsured or uninsured motorist claims
What if the other driver had no insurance, or not enough?
Whether your car is totaled or requires repairs, if the driver who hit you did not carry insurance or enough coverage, you may be able to file a property damage claim with your insurance company. If your auto insurance policy contains coverage for uninsured motorists (UM) or underinsured motorists (UIM), a personal injury attorney can help you file a claim for compensation and protect your right to coverage when they act in bad faith.
Responsible drivers in North Carolina pay their insurance, and expect property damage protection in an accident. To ensure the insurance company honors your claim, contact a North Carolina personal injury law firm. They will protect your right to recover fair compensation.
Conact our North Carolina personal injury attorneys, for a free consultation to discuss your Charlotte personal injury, car accident, motorcycle accident, wrongful death or workers' compensation claim. We are Charlotte, North Carolina's personal injury law firm. For more information about our law firm, visit our Web site,