Car accidents have become more common and are considered the number one source of severe personal injury and permanent disability in the U.S. today.
Some recent statistics on car accidents in America include the following:
• Around 40,000 people die in car accidents a year.
• More than 2.3 million people were injured in accidents in 2008.
• There are a total of 6 million car accidents each year.
Being injured or involved in an accident can be a deeply troubling matter. Your first reaction should be to seek medical attention as soon as possible. However, you should also contact a Fort Lauderdale accident attorney. Many accidents are caused by reckless individuals and you may be entitled to compensation for property damage and medical expenses.
Never fake an injury or accident
If you are in an accident and yo
u are not injured, be grateful. Do not under any circumstances attempt to fake an accident or pretend to be injured. Not only is such a charade dishonest, but it will be stressful to maintain, and ultimately, it may cost you your case.
If you or your property is damaged because another person was negligent or reckless, a skilled Fort Lauderdale accident lawyer may be able to get you compensation. In addition to being able to answer all of your legal questions, he or she may also hire an investigator to collect witness statements and other evidence in order to bolster your case.
Experienced lawyers also analyze every detail of the accident and you may even receive more compensation than you previously thought you were entitled to. However, if you fake an injury, and your ruse is discovered, you will receive nothing and may wind up facing criminal charges. In the end, hiring a capable and competent Fort Lauderdale injury lawyer is the best move you can make.