According to NHTSA, the most dangerous road design involves intersections with inadequate signs, blind spots, and confusing lanes which accounted for two-thirds of all fatal crashes caused by hazardous roads.
In a recent survey conducted by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), poor road designs account for more than 23 percent of annual traffic deaths in the country. With this finding, experts estimated that dangerous roads kill at least 8,000 people every year.
According to NHTSA, the most dangerous road design involves intersections with inadequate signs, blind spots, and confusing lanes which accounted for two-thirds of all fatal crashes caused by hazardous roads.
Because intersections are always involved in accidents, road safety experts and traffic engineers have conducted several studies to determine what improvements should be done.
• Prolong the “all-red” period in traffic lights located on intersection, giving drivers a margin of error.
Richard Miller, manager of American Automobile Association (AAA) in Michigan, said that if all roads leading to an intersection will have “all-red” period for at least two seconds, the crossroad will be cleared.
• Adding left-hand turn lanes.
According to safety experts, left-turning drivers are the most vulnerable to crashes since executing this maneuver requires quick judgment, something which is lacking in seniors who were found to spend 50 percent more time in making a quick turn compared to 20-year-old drivers.
• Building overpass, underpass, and bridge walk.
Intersections are common in business district and school zone, predisposing motorists and pedestrians in fatal crashes. To prevent accidents, several states and cities have built walk bridge, underpass, and overpass to allow pedestrians to safely cross a street.
Such infrastructures also make the road safer to motorists who no longer have to worry about the pedestrians.
• Installing large, simple, and clear road signs which are made from reflective materials.
According to a recent study, drivers who are confronted with a confusing or unclear sign tend to make an abrupt stop or reduce their speed (to read this), making them prone to rear-end collision.
Meanwhile, AAA found that many traffic signs in rural areas are unclear and worn-out by weather, predisposing drivers to accidents.
Traffic signs are significantly important during night time. However, these may even cause accidents if these are unclear and poorly maintained. According to NHTSA, fatal accidents caused by unclear signs are three times higher during night.
• Installing better lighting along roads and intersections
Lights are significantly important in intersections to allow motorists to see their surroundings. However, a study revealed that there are many intersections in rural areas which are poorly lit.