Roof Crush Accidents Are Common in San Diego and Los Angeles
There are few things that catch people off guard more easily and frequently than car accidents. Whether the accident be a serious, head-on collision or a minor fender bender, most people are completely unsuspecting of when they will be hit and by whom. Still, even less expectant is when a vehicle is hit or driven in such a way that a rollover accident inevitably occurs.
This often happens when drivers are perhaps driving too fast and hit a patch of the roadway wrong, skidding out of control and into a rollover. All too commonly, these rollover accidents result in roof crushes that can cause serious injury, pain, and suffering. If you or someone you love has been injured by a roof crush in a rollover accident, you will need the help of a specialized personal attorney to help you win a fair settlement.
Roof crush accidents occur when the top of a vehicle is literally crushed into the passenger cavity during a rollover accident. This happens when the roof of the rolled vehicle is too weak to support itself in the accident. There are obviously a number
of very serious injuries that can be incurred from a crushed roof accident, including brain damage, spinal cord fractures, lost limbs, and neck injuries. Statistics show that the majority of accident victims actually receive their most severe injuries from the crushing of the roof, rather than other aspects of the accident. In fact, rollover accidents not involving roof crushes often result in limited to no injuries for passengers wearing their lap belts. It is when a roof crush occurs that the most serious injuries can take place.
As is the case with all accidents, the first thing you should do following a rollover accident involving a roof crush is seek immediate medical attention. It is incredibly important for you to take care of yourself and anyone else involved in the crash. Following your trip to the emergency room, however, you should call a personal injury lawyer as soon as you are able. Your personal injury lawyer will likely be able to begin working on your case immediately. He or she will have the knowledge and resources necessary to determine the cause of your accident and the history behind vehicles like yours. If the type of vehicle you drive has a history of roof crushes from rollover accidents, the fault likely falls to the manufacturer who did not add enough support to the car’s top in order to sustain such an accident. Certain makes and models of cars are typically more likely to sustain roof crushes, most of which are SUV’s, vans, and other large vehicles that usually have a high center of gravity. These types of vehicles are more likely to flip than their smaller counterparts and should, therefore, be built with more strength and ability to sustain the force that causes roof crushes.