This article discusses some possible new technologies for the future that will face difficult tests but which could be some of what the future holds in store for industry. The article also discusses the changes we may soon see as energy research goes into high gear and how it could help prevent auto accident injuries.
Recently, a report came out that the Chinese are building what was thought to be an impossible space drive, one that might not only open up the possibilities of much more extensive space exploration but which could also transform any type of travel and if achieved, provide the Chinese with all types of advantages over other countries.
This EMdrive or electromagnetic relativity drive is thought by other scientists to violate the law of conservation of momentum and has been branded as just another perpetual motion device that have been disproved time and time again.
However, the researcher behind the Emdrive states that his engine is not a perpetual motion machine and that rather
than being at odds with Einstein, relies upon Einstein’s theories being correct.
Another scientist working on the Chinese project has experience with microwave plasma thrusters and it is reported that the engineering principles of building the two engines are similar.
Whether or not this new technology will be proved feasible or not, eventually technologies will be developed that either achieve extended travel with little or no energy usage. While one can certainly see the possibilities for long-range space travel and use of such technology by satellites, they also present hope for the future in daily travel on freeways with a reduction in pollution.
While it is unlikely that we will soon see this technology available at Wal-Mart, one can imagine how such technology or extensions of it could make travel less expensive and less energy wasteful in the future.
Other researchers today are constantly looking to develop materials that can absorb the energy of an impact without injury to the occupants. If vehicles could someday have impacts and either absorb the energy or utilize it, the future looks much safer for travel.
Combined, travel on roads and freeways would be safer, quieter, more energy efficient and better for the environment so long as such engines and materials could be built cheaply and without using the same level of energy saved by such vehicles.
There’s always a downside though. Imagine if you will, the ability to drive at little or no cost across the state or across the country safely and without pollution in your technologically advanced vehicle. Now imagine if you will, how many other vehicles will be on the same freeways as you.