Let’s start with the basics. Pests go where the food is – that’s something we need to know and always keep in mind. We also know that RVs have lots of food and drinks that attract these annoying creatures, and that we shouldn’t doubt their ability to smell food and gravitate toward it like magnets.
Once you get these ridiculously annoying creatures into your camper, they start reproducing and inviting their family over for the big party! Before you know it, they become a population problem as they start to build their own community right in your home away from home. We don’t want that! Let’s take a look at how pests can be stopped before they turn into a huge problem.
Your RV can take you into the best scenes that nature has to offer, but these scenes are often in natural environments where pests congregate. RV travelers face everything from flies, mosquitoes, gnats, mice, scorpions, ants and other creatures. Even when you don’t threaten the pests, they still want to come for your food sources – be aware of bears as they can destroy cars just to get into the cooler. If you sense you’re going to be in bear country in your RV, don’t risk leaving your food in the camper. Hang your food on a tree!
The best way to prevent pest infestations is to come prepared. Be ready for mosquitoes, mice, cockroaches and so forth. Learn about your campsite in advance and when you get there, keep it clean. Remember to cook enough of only what you can eat and avoid left-overs as the smell can attract unwanted pests. If you have garbage, dispose of it day and night to keep your RV fresh and scent free – scents of food attract mice and other pests.
Think of your camper as your home away on the road. This home on wheels should help protect you from the creepy insects and pests that crawl around in the night. Not only do you want your camper to be reliable on the road, you want to make sure you have food and water that is safe to eat and drink! Use these tips to help you inspect, control and prevent pests away from you home on wheels.
Author Austin Clark is from Moxie Arizona – a Phoenix pest control company and exterminator. With decades long experience in pest management and control, he puts the knowledge and skills to the use for the safety and comfort of Arizona homeowners.