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Why Is This Airstream Filled With Stuffed Animals?

Picture this: You love stuffed animals. I mean LOVE THEM. In fact, you love them so much that you decide to line an airstream trailer from floor to ceiling with the plush figurines.

Sound odd? Not to artists Maria Lynch and Daniel Perlin. Their trailer filled with fuzz is called Plush, and is part of the Storefront for Art and Architecture. Plush seeks to impart a soft space for people to explore their own frailties.

Why Is This Airstream Filled With Stuffed Animals?

Why Is This Airstream Filled With Stuffed Animals?

Each of the stuffed creatures was hand constructed and are a mix of childhood play. The Airstream is not filled with recognizable toys, but rather stuffed expressions of feelings. Plush will also tour the U.S as a part of the Blueshift Project in coming months. You can read more about this project on the Creators Project website.

What do you think about using an Airstream as art? Does the idea connect or disconnect with you? Add your thoughts to the comment box below and tell us what you think. Feel like sharing? Share this article with all your social friends. Thanks for reading.