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Is an RV Retirement for You?

Retirement—George had been longing and planning for retirement since he received his first paycheck. Where others looked forward to gardening or working on crossword puzzles, he planned to see the country. His idea of perfection was leaving the home in which he’d lived his entire adult life and traveling across the country with his wife. Now, he just had to convince his wife. There were many things to consider and she intended to discus all of them.

First: Can You Handle Travel?

If you have always enjoyed traveling and love seeing new places and meeting new people, this is probably going to be quite an adventure. If, on the other hand, you found vacation trips stressful and missed your home while you were gone, it is unlikely to work out for you.

Is an RV Retirement for You?

Furthermore, if you haven’t spent long periods of time with your spouse, consider the limited space. Will you be able to live 24/7 in the company of your significant other? If you enjoy traveling but also long for home, consider taking an extended trip. If you haven’t spent a lot of time in the company of your spouse, also consider a long trip. Speak to other “full-timers” and see what the lifestyle has to offer before committing to it full time yourself.

Second: What About Your Stuff?

By the time a person is ready for retirement, they have typically acquired many possessions. Years worth of Christmas decorations and homemade gifts, along with clothes that may some day come back in style fill a home. To continue retired life on the road, you need to sell, donate, give away, or store your extraneous possessions.

Is an RV Retirement for You?

This can be extremely difficult and emotional for some. Furthermore, storage units, over time, can be costly, which leads to the next point.

Can You Afford It?

The answer to this question depends primarily on the lifestyle you intend to adopt. If you plan on a simple life with a basic motorhome, then an RV retirement may be well within your reach. With a few thousand dollars, you may be able to purchase a motorhome or fifth wheel travel trailer. If, on the other hand, you want a “glamping” coach you will likely be spending as much as when you were making house payments–or more.

Is an RV Retirement for You?

There are, however, many degrees between the most and least expensive options, and if you plan to liquidate your home and possessions, your options are less limited. Keep in mind though, that you will still be responsible for fuel for traveling, propane for heating and cooking, site rent costs, as well as any satellite or mobile Internet costs you plan to depend upon. It is also a good idea to keep funds available for any repairs or upkeeps needed.

In Conclusion

George was able to convince his wife to do a trial run to Florida. They are still weighing their options. Choosing an RV retirement depends on whether you want to travel, and can afford to do so. If the majority of your family lives relatively close to each other, perhaps living in a motorhome and relocating a couple of times a year is not for you. If your family is spread across the country, or you have always wanted to see other places, it may be exactly what you are looking for.

If you have friends or family who are considering a mobile lifestyle, please share this with them. It may help them make up their minds.