Do you love a convertible? If so, you will enjoy this story. The world’s first fully convertible RV is the latest prototype from the German automakers. Sure, this isn’t likely to go mainstream, but the idea begs to be considered.
The Skydancer 7.5 features a Mercedes Atego cargo truck pimped out to create the ultimate RV. The Skydancer places the driver and guests above the engine with a fully sliding roof. Living space is kept below deck and offers the simple comforts of home (such as a GIANT TV and luxurious shower).
The Skydancer 7.5 is designed for four people and offers a galley kitchen and a variety of sleeping options. Upstairs, with the wind blowing through your hair, you can experience the countryside like never before.
Want one? Get in line. This prototype is not yet in production, but who knows, someday convertible RVs could be the new hot trend.