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One Truck Driving Hero vs Two Bad Guys

Every day a hero is born. Throughout the country, there are opportunities to change, or even save, a person’s life literally every day. RVers and truck drivers perhaps have a greater number of opportunities than most people, due to the sheer number of miles they cover per year. For example, when Kevin Kimmel parked in New Kent County, Virginia, he had no idea he would change someone’s life that day. If you, or someone you know travels, please share this article. They may become an RV or truck driving hero.

What Mr. Kimmel Saw

As veteran truck driver Kevin Kimmel sat in his rig. His attention was drawn to a suspicious-looking motorhome with black drapes in the windows. It seemed less than family-friendly. Then, he saw a young woman peering out of the RV’s window. She appeared distraught and panicky.

One Truck Driving Hero vs Two Bad Guys

Service Station

After a short amount of time passed, a man knocked on the door of the suspicious-looking RV. Directly after knocking, he went into a Pilot Gas Station. Upon exiting the station, he went immediately back to the RV and entered it.

What Mr. Kimmel Said

“I saw a guy come up and knock on the door, then go inside the Pilot–then quickly come back and knock again. All of a sudden the thing was rocking and rolling,” he told Richmond CBS affiliate WTVR.

What Mr. Kimmel Did

To Kimmel, it seemed obvious what was going on. He immediately telephoned the authorities. When they arrived, they arrested the couple staying in the RV. The two had been forcing a 2o-year old woman to act as a sex slave. She was malnourished and had been tortured.

One Truck Driving Hero vs Two Bad Guys

Pilot Service Station

The police report claimed that the girl’s feet had been punctured from nails hammered into them. She had also received several severe burns from a hot key applied to her groin and other body parts. That was how they branded her.

In Conclusion

Opportunities to help others are rampant for travelers. The fastest growing criminal trade in the world is human trafficking. As a father, grandfather, and truck driving hero, Kevin Kimmel said, “I’m just happy I helped her.” When you see something unusual like Kimmel did, it is important to take action. Please keep this in mind, and share with your friends and family members who travel. They may help save a life.