If you are trying to sell an old car, you need to advertise it. The best way to attract potential buyers is to place a large sticker in the window that gives the buyers information. You can drive the car so people see the sign, or you can leave the car at the end of your driveway. Either way, you need to advertise that your car is for sale to draw customers.
Purchase a large sticker an office-supply store. If you can't find one big enough, purchase a large piece of paper or poster paper (in this case, you'll also need to buy clear tape).
Buy several labels or stickers so you can advertise the sale on several different spots on the car.
In large, bright red or green lettering, write "FOR SALE." Make sure it's large enough so a car one lane away can clearly read it.
Underneath that, write something special about the car: "1 year old," "only 2,000 miles," "hardtop convertible," "reconditioned 1969 Mustang"--anything that will make it stand out. Use the black marker for this information.
List your asking price with the black marker beneath the "perks" of the car. Keep in mind the economy and what cars like yours generally sell for in today's market.
Beneath the price of the car, list your email address or telephone number so potential buyers can contact you.