Whether you are interested in purchasing or selling a 1966 Ford Mustang, you should be well informed on this classic's value. Calculating the value can be difficult; however, automotive resources are available to make it easier for you. Once you are properly informed on how to calculate the value, you should be able to get the best deal for that 1966 Ford Mustang.
Purchase an automobile value guide online or from a local bookstore, or inquire at your local library. An automobile value guide will provide information on the differences among the many Mustangs that Ford manufactured. It will also help you to determine the condition of your Mustang and its appropriate value.
Look up the vehicle by locating the section for "Ford," "Mustang" and then "1966."
Compare the condition of your Mustang to the conditions listed in the guide. The guide usually rates the cars on a scale of one to five, one being perfect condition and five being the worst possible condition. Be sure to take into consideration the amount of miles, condition of the interior and condition of the exterior, such as paint, rust and body damage. You should also know if it is a rebuilt model or an original.
Review all of the information, including the rarity, options and originality of the vehicle.
Calculate the value of your Mustang by selecting the appropriate condition and rating. The guide will list the estimated value.
Go to the AutoTrader Classics website (see Resources). Edmunds, another popular automotive resource, recommends using AutoTrader Classics for vehicles manufactured before 1990.
Type "1966" into the year box and then select "Ford" and "Mustang" from the drop-down bar.
Click on the "Go" button to begin your search.
Scroll through the list of Mustangs that were found.
Compare the Mustangs that are similar to your vehicle and calculate your total based on the similarities between your Mustang and those listed. Take into consideration the amount of miles, condition of the interior and condition of the exterior, such as paint, rust and body damage. You should also know if it is a rebuilt model or an original.