Losing your car title paperwork is like losing your car. A car title states that you are the legal owner of your vehicle. You must be able to provide the title of your car to register it with the Iowa DMV. A title is also required if you are buying or selling a car. The title must be signed over from the previous owner to the new owner. If the title is lost, a duplicate car title must be obtained to proceed with the business transaction in Iowa.
Visit the Iowa Department of Transportation website at: iowadot.gov/mvd/ovs/register.htm
Scroll down and click on the link "Application for Replacement of Iowa Certificate of Title Form #411033." The link will download a PDF file form.
Print and complete the form. You must take this completed form to the county treasury office in the county where the original title was issued.
Locate the county treasury office at:
Click on the county located in the map of Iowa, or select the county name from the drop-down menu on the top right of the screen. You will be redirected to the official county treasurer's website that services your location. The website may service more than one county, so double check the listed counties for the one you need.
Click on the name of the county. You will reach another screen that shows you pertinent information about the treasurer's office for your county. Here you will find hours, location, contact information, and payment options.
Take your completed form to the treasury office location.