How to Make Money Selling Used Auto Parts on Ebay

How to Make Money Selling Used Auto Parts on Ebay

A red hot market that is not being taken advantage of to it's full potential. It won't matter how many people get in on it, it won't saturate the market. One woman I know of makes an average of $10K per MONTH with this idea.

  • Call auto dealers and insurance companies to obtain a list of any local vehicles which have been totaled which you can purchase cheaply.

  • Buy the junked cars.

  • Part them out.

  • Label the parts as you go as to make, model, type, condition, etc. Garage sale tie tags like those used on lamps work well and are cheap. Color code the tags (or use highlighters) to organize further by type.

  • Take photos of every part.

  • List parts on eBay

  • Take any remaining scrap that you can't part out for profit and take to your local scrap metal place in exchange for money so even the 'worthless' parts are worth cash!