The beauty of selling a used mobile home is that such an item can be advertised in publications for vehicles and in those for houses. The available property can also be advertised on local bulletin boards. In addition, it may be wise to contact several mobile home parks to inquire about possible buyers; the park owner may decide to buy it themselves and rent it to a tenant. In the worst case scenario, junk or scrap yard dealers are also approachable.
Contact the county real property/tax mapping office to obtain a list of mobile home parks. The health department may also have listings as some parks have their own potable water supplies and sanitation systems. Documents on health inspection reports or tax records should have the name of an owner or manager. Contact the appropriate person at each park to see if they are interested in buying the mobile home or know someone who is.
Advertise the mobile home in a local auto trader magazine or vehicle swap sheet. Listing costs are typically low because those publications depend on the vehicle descriptions and photos to fill space.
Take advantage of free online classified services like Craigslist or others that serve a particular local area. It may be worthwhile to list the item in several cities. People are willing to drive for a good deal, especially if it's for a necessity such as shelter.
Visit a real estate agent or broker. Some may not be interested in mobile homes if the land is not included, so look for realtors who specialize in low-cost residences. Even if the mobile home is located within a park where the lots are rented out or leased, the park owner cannot legally prevent the owner of the mobile home from selling the structure, according to
Ask scrap and junk dealers if they are interested in buying the mobile home. They may not pay as much as someone who wants to live there, but their offers could be substantial if the unit is in good condition and contains valuable metals and other sought-after materials.