If you have a vehicle that you have been selling parts from, eventually you will need to do away with what is left of it. Getting rid of a parts car is possible, and you can even make a few more bucks along the way. The details provided here will give you a few suggestions for selling a parts car.
Make sure you have sold all the parts you can sell off your car first. Go over it thoroughly one more time and make a list of any pieces that you could put on the market. This could be cigarette lighter, window crank or a complete rear-end. Keep the prices low to sell them faster.
Dispose of all the parts left. Once you have this information written down, go online to free classified sites to register them for sale. Also be sure to list the complete car for sale at this time. You could also make flyers using your computer or just write them on a piece of paper with your phone number and place this on bulletin boards in stores, auto establishments or other local places.
Get rid of your parts car by donating it. Even if your vehicle no longer runs, you may still be able to donate it. There are many fire departments (police or other rescue departments) that could use the car for training purposes. Find the phone numbers of your local area rescue workers and call to ask them if they would like to have a car donated to them. Do not give up if the first one you call says no.
Sell your parts car outright. Check the local phone book for savage or scrap yards. Contact them for information about having the car moved and the price you will be paid for it. Some of the yards may offer towing, but others will not. If this is the case, you will have to transport it yourself or pay for it to be towed. Make sure you figure all the costs involved to see which place would pay you more for your parts car.