When you feel that it is time to get a new car you have to decide what to do with your old one. You could trade it in, but you stand to make much more money if you sell the car yourself for cash. Never take a check for a car unless it is a family member or you are taking a risk that the check will bounce and that would mean you just gave someone a car for free.
Start with friends and family. Even if your friends or family are not in need of a car they may know someone who is. This is the quickest way to sell your car because it only takes a few phone calls. Make sure you know exactly how much you want to get for your car. If you don't know how much it is worth then check out the Kelly Blue Book value for the car. The link to that site is provided for you at the end of this article.
Use a company that pays for junk cars. Each state has their own company and you will have to do a search to find yours. There is one company that pays cash for junk cars nationwide. It is called 1-888-CARBUCKS. You must fill in your cars information as well as your contact information and someone will get back to you with a quote. If you like the price then go ahead and sell it to them. If not, choose another option to get top dollar. If you do agree to the price your car can be removed rather quickly.
Find a busy street you can leave your car with price and your phone number on the windshield. This will help you get rid of your car fast because of the heavy traffic and visibility to your car. You may have to get permission first to place your car there so don't do anything to get yourself in to trouble. It only takes a minute to ask for permission. Again, only accept cash from anyone who wants to buy it.
Place an ad in your local newspapers. This may cost you some money, but advertising will help you sell your car a lot faster. You can also list your cash price and place cash only in the box. This will keep away anyone who is going to try to get you to accept a check. Make sure you list the good qualities of your vehicle in the ad so buyers will become interested.
Call a used car dealership. Just about every town has 2 or 3. They buy used cars cheap because they know how to fix them up and sell them for more. You may not get as much cash as you would if you waited and sold your car yourself, but you will get cash and you will get it fast. Have all of the dealerships look at the car and make you an offer. Take the best one.