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Escort Passport Max vs. Valentine One

Comparison Tests Escort Passport Max vs. Valentine One From the January 2014 issue

We live in a world increasingly polluted by radar. Automatic doors, traffic-measuring devices, adaptive cruise control, and blind-spot-monitoring ­systems can all emit the same frequencies used by law-enforcement agencies. To avoid the roadside tax collector while traveling at a brisk pace, radar-detector users need to distinguish the real threats from the noise.

We want to help you keep your record clean, so we tested two top-of-the-line models in ticket defense—the venerable Valentine One, our previous champ, and Escort’s new Passport Max. With the help of the speed-trap-subversion experts at Laser Interceptor, a laser-jammer manufacturer, we measured each detector’s range with five radar sources in four different scenarios. We also tested sensitivity to POP radar and LIDAR [see sidebar]. Finally, to examine how these units deal with false alerts, we drove a 22-mile suburban loop and recorded the number of warnings each detector issued. Here’s what we found:

Escort Passport Max vs. Valentine One
Escort Passport Max vs. Valentine One
Escort Passport Max vs. Valentine One
Know Your Enemies X-band Almost always a false alert, this frequency is still used by some smaller, rural police departments that have old X-band units kicking around, so don’t tune it out completely. K-band Commonly used for automatic door openers and car safety systems, K-band wreaks havoc with radar detectors, especially since K-band radar guns are also fairly popular with police. Ka-band There are few false alarms on Ka, which has three frequencies dedicated to speed measurement. When your detector calls out Ka-band, heed its warning. POP radar A trademarked brand name from radar-gun-maker MPH Industries, POP radar is a mode in which the cop’s gun emits bursts of K- or Ka-band radar for less than a tenth of a second. Police aren’t supposed to write tickets with POP radar, but this type can grab a speed reading without alerting detectors. The officer will then switch to a longer radar pulse to confirm a vehicle’s speed. Not widely used, but potentially lethal even to those who rely on a detector. Laser LIDAR’s narrow beam makes it nearly impossible to detect until it’s directed at your vehicle. In most cases, a laser alert means the officer already knows your speed.