Brake rotors and pads are possibly the most important part of your Mazda Miata: they're responsible for stopping it. The brake system in a Miata works by pushing hydraulic fluid through solid brake lines. This fluid is forced through a caliper and the caliper in turn forces the brake pads to be pushed against the brake rotors that turn with the wheels to make your car move forward (or backward). When the brake pad material is 1/8 inch thick or your rotors develop deep visible score marks on them, it is a good idea to check and replace them.
Place the socket end of the tire wrench over the end of the lug nuts. Break the lug nuts loose on the front wheels. You should only need to give the wrench a 1/8 to 1/4 turn. Turn the wrench counter clockwise to do this. You are making it easier to remove the wheel when the car is off the ground---you only want to "break" the lug nut loose, not loosen it so much so that the wheel/tire becomes unstable.
Put the Miata in first gear and engage the parking brake.
Jack the Miata off the ground using the front jack point located near the radiator. This will be an extension of the frame.
Verify that the car is secure on the jack stands by gently pushing on the side of the vehicle. It should not shift or move under its own weight.
Unbolt the bottom and top bolts on the brake caliper. Lift up on the caliper and secure it to the coil spring above it with zip ties. Don't let the caliper hang by the rubber brake line.
Slide the brake rotor off of the hub assembly. it should come right off, but you might need to hit the back of it with a rubber mallet to knock it loose.
Put the new Miata rotor over the hub assembly.
Pop the old brake pads out. You may need to tap them with a hammer to remove them. Check to make sure that the pad retainer clips don't fall out in the process.
Place the face of one of the old brake pads over the caliper piston. Then, place the C-Clamp over the brake pad and turn the handle on the C-Clamp to force the piston back into the caliper. Make sure that the piston boot folds "accordion style" back into the caliper and that you do not rip the boot or twist the piston.
Slide the new brake pads into the caliper, paying attention to the proper orientation for each pad. Miata brake pads will only fit one way.
Cut the zip ties and position the caliper back over the brake rotor.
Put a small dab of thread locker on the caliper mount bolt and re-tighten the caliper bolts to between 58 to 65 ft lbs depending on the year of your Miata.
Put the wheel back on, lower the car and then torque the lug nuts to 100 ft lbs. Installation is the reverse of removal.