Your Lincoln Navigator has an automatic adjuster for the parking brakes, meaning the parking adjust automatically when you press in on the parking brake pedal with your foot. Making a simple adjustment to your parking brake makes your vehicle a lot safer. Doing the adjustment at home saves you time and money spent on a mechanic. You need to make the adjustment when your Lincoln Navigator starts to slip down the slope in park.
Press in on your parking brake pedal with your foot to automatically engage the adjusting mechanism for the parking brake. This maneuver adjusts the parking brake cables to both the rear and front wheels. It also adjusts the parking brake shoes underneath the vehicle and in the wheel wells.
Test out the parking brake adjustment by pushing in on the pedal with your foot and parking your Lincoln Navigator on a hill. Take your foot off the pedal and the parking brake should hold in the downward position. Apply pressure to the parking brake with your foot if your vehicle starts to roll.
Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 when your Lincoln Navigator continues to slip down the hill when parked on a slope.