The BMW E30 body style was produced from 1982 to 1990, and included all of the 3-series cars. Some of these cars came with a sunroof, which allowed the sun to shine into the interior when open. These sunroofs have many moving parts, and over time, they can degrade and wear down. If that happens, the sunroof may get stuck or may not open at all. To fix the issue, the sunroof needs to be removed from the car so it can be replaced or serviced.
Sit in the driver's seat. Slide back the inner sunroof lid approximately 4 inches. Pull off the pinch molding that surrounds the perimeter of the sunroof with your hands. Close the sunroof lid.
Unscrew the screws on the perimeter of the gates using the Phillips-head screwdriver. Remove the retainers on the sides of the lid, unscrew the center screws on the lid, and then take it off of the BMW.
Pull off the motor around the sunroof motor with your hands. Unplug the wiring harness to the sunroof motor and then remove it from the assembly using the Phillips-head screwdriver.
Slide back the sunroof cables using your hands. Pull off the rail covers on the sunroof rails, then slide the sunroof cables out of the tracks.
Put the cable back into the center position on the gate and the push off the sunroof.