How to Polish Pits Out of Windshields

How to Polish Pits Out of Windshields

Rocks and other flying debris that hit a windshield will make pits or small concave holes in the glass. Repeatedly parking a car under some types of trees enables saps to drip on windshields and form pits over time. Using automobile glass pit polish and a sander fills the holes to the surface level and smooths them for a seamless repair job.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Car wash soap
  • Car wash sponge
  • Bucket
  • Orbital sander
  • Glass polishing disc
  • Auto glass pit polish
  • Turn a garden hose on and spray the windshield to rinse any loose debris off the surface.

  • Squirt car wash soap into a bucket and add water from the garden hose to make a soapy mix.

  • Dip a car wash sponge into the mix and thoroughly clean the windshield. Spray the car wash off with the garden hose.

  • Let the windshield dry.

  • Place a glass-sanding disc on an orbital sander. Press the disc onto the sander so the Velcro adheres to the sander guard.

  • Squirt auto glass pit polish onto the center of the sanding disc.

  • Turn the sander on and place it on the pits in the windshield. Move the sander in a circular motion over the glass pits. The polish will fill the pits so they are not noticeable.

  • Turn the sander off and feel the pits with a fingertip. Continue using the sander until the surface where the pits were is completely filled with pit polish and level with the rest of the windshield.