Replacing the rear window on your Toyota Tacoma can be a little intimidating if you are not familiar with auto glass repair, although it is really not difficult. Take your time and remember that you are working with glass, so be gentle with the window to avoid breaking it. Replacing the rear window on the Tacoma requires the use of a rubber gasket but no glue or urethane to deal with which makes the job easier. You can purchase a replacement window for your Tacoma from a salvage yard or a Toyota dealer.
Pry up the edge of the rubber gasket on the inside of the truck with a flat screwdriver. Push the screwdriver under the gasket and work the gasket off the window frame while pushing out on the window.
Continue around the frame until the gasket is loose enough to remove the window from the truck body. Pull the window out from the outside of the truck, being careful not to drop it or break the glass.
Remove the gasket from the window. It will just pull off all the way around the window. Install the gasket around the new window, slipping it onto the frame or glass and working all the way around the window.
Wrap a long piece of nylon cord around the gasket, letting it sit in the bottom of the groove where the gasket sits on the truck. The cord is used to pull the gasket out around the lip on the truck body.
Apply soapy water to the gasket and the truck body where the two meet. Position the window against the outside of the truck and pull the cord from the inside to position the gasket on the truck body lip.
Tap on the gasket from the outside of the truck with your hand to help seat the gasket as you work your way around it. Continue around until the cord is out of the gasket and the window and gasket are seated firmly into the truck body.