The drivetrain on a Toyota Celica uses a pair of half shafts that connect the output from the transmission to the wheels. Because the half shafts have to rotate and move up and down with the suspension, they use CV joints that allow both to happen. These CV joints are on both sides of the half shafts, and they are protected by rubber boots that can tear and break. Should that happen, you'll need to remove the half shaft from the Celica, then remove the inner CV joint on the shaft.
Park the Celica and put on the parking brake. Lift the front of the Celica with the jack and put the jack stands underneath the sides of the chassis. Take off the front wheels with the tire iron and move them out of the way.
Put the drain pan underneath the transmission, which is next to the axle. Open the drain plug on the transmission with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket, and drain the transmission fluid. Remove the cotter pin in the center of the rotor with the needle-nose pliers and unbolt the bearing locknuts with the 1/2-inch breaker bar.
Unbolt the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket and pull it out of the way. Unbolt the sway bar from the lower control arm with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket and an open-end wrench. Unbolt the lower control arm from the steering knuckle with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket, then pull the steering knuckle off the end of the half shaft. Pull the half shaft out from the transmission with both hands and move the half shaft over to a clean workspace.
Remove the clamps on the inner CV boot on the shaft with the needle-nose pliers, then take off the inner CV boot. Remove the snap ring holding the CV joint to the inner half shaft with the snap ring pliers. Slide the CV joint off the half shaft.