The Sanden line of compressors is used as part of a vehicle's air conditioning system. These compressors have a clutch mounted on the front that engages and disengages to turn the air conditioning on and off. If the clutch fails, the compressor won't be able to engage. If the clutch on your Sanden compressor has failed, you should remove it.
Pop the hood on the vehicle. Loosen the bolt in the center of the Sanden clutch using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.
Loosen the mounting bolts on the compressor mounting bracket with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket and an open-end wrench. Tilt the compressor toward the middle of the engine with your hands and pull the engine belt off of the clutch.
Unplug the clutch from the vehicle's wiring harness. Unbolt the clutch from the face of the compressor with an open-end wrench. Take the clutch off of the Sanden compressor.