The Better Business Bureau, a consumer rating organization known as BBB, has assigned Pep Boys an A+ for reliability. Pep Boys has been a BBB-accredited business since 1992. Of the 1,153 complaints filed against the company since 2008, most have been for customer-service issues, repairs and other services. Billing, refunds, exchanges and warranty problems have accounted for 75 complaints. If you have been wrongfully charged for services by Pep Boys, or have other billing issues, you should first attempt to resolve the problem with the store manager.
Save all of your receipts. You can only receive a refund if you can show proof of service.
Take notes. Write down everything a service technician from Pep Boys tells you including what parts he says your car needs, how long your repairs should take and when parts are expected to come in.
Talk to the manager. A cashier does not have the authority to give you a refund if you are disputing charges. Be sure you have your receipts and notes when you speak with the manager.
Contact company headquarters. Sometimes even a manager does not have the authority to issue a refund, especially if your complaint is a he-says/she-says issue. For example, if a technician claims your car is fixed but you think that it's running the same, or worse, than when you brought it in, a manager is likely to err on the side of his employee.
File a complaint with the BBB. Once the BBB receives your complaint, they will contact Pep Boys. The BBB will give Pep Boys 30 days to respond. If the store does not resolve the issue, they can receive a permanent complaint on their file for consumers to see. When the case is resolved, the complaint is removed.
Go to small claims court. If your dispute was not resolved by a manger, headquarters or the BBB, you have the right to take your case to small claims court. Filing fees can cost $30 to $50. After missing days of work and other costs of filing a claim, it can wind up costing you much more than that. Even if you win your case in small claims court, it is your responsibility to collect the money.