The Ford Taurus transmission utilizes metal lines to transport the automatic transmission fluid to and from the oil cooler. The oil cooler is located in the left side of the Taurus radiator. The cooler lines are easily damaged or bent, which will restrict the flow of fluid. This can cause the transmission to overheat, and if a line is damaged or broken it should be replaced in its entirety.
Raise your Taurus with the jack and support it securely with the jack stands.
Locate the cooler line fitting where it attaches to the transmission. The easiest way to do this is to follow the line back from the radiator. Remove the fitting by turning it counterclockwise with the wrench.
Locate the cooler line fitting where it attaches to the radiator. Remove the fitting by turning it counterclockwise with the wrench.
If installing a new line, installation is simply the reverse of removal.