When purchasing a Honda it is a good idea to keep track of the vehicle's service manual. This booklet is a guide for the general consumer that explains the fundamentals of operating and maintaining a Honda. Whether it is a car, motorcycle or a snowmobile, a copy of this manual should be easy to obtain. Generally, you receive the service manual when you purchase the Honda new. If you are buying a used Honda, request the service manual from the seller or order a new one. Honda service manuals are easy to order if you can't get one from the seller.
Order a copy of a Honda service manual through the manufacturer. Go to Honda's customer service site, which takes you through the process of ordering the service manual. If you have problems, call their toll free number of 1-800-999-1009 for further assistance.
Visit Hondatech.info to download a copy of a service manual, especially if you need information right away.
Visit an auto parts store to obtain a copy of the Honda service manual. Many auto part stores will have them available or they can order a copy.
Contact a Honda dealership for a copy of the service manual.