The alternator mounted on the engine of a 1995 Toyota Corolla creates the electricity that the engine and vehicle uses to power the electrical components used throughout the vehicle. This is critical to the proper operation of the engine, and when it fails, so do the remaining electrical components in the vehicle. To find out if the alternator is the problem or if it's something else, you have to remove the alternator from the Corolla and test it or replace it.
Open up the engine compartment. Remove any connections on the negative terminal with either an open-end wrench or the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket, depending on accessibility. Repeat for the positive terminal as well.
Unbolt the electrical connections on the backside of the alternator, which is located just above the oil filter. Unplug the wiring from the alternator with your hands.
Loosen the mounting bolts on the alternator with the ratchet and a wrench. Push the alternator toward the rear of the engine compartment and then pull the belt off of the alternator.
Unbolt the alternator from the engine bracket with the ratchet and wrench and then pick it up out of the engine bay.