The engine fan on the front of a 1998 Dodge Ram is mounted to the water-pump pulley in the middle of the engine. The fan cools the radiator and the engine to keep it from overheating. The fan is large, and to remove certain items on the engine, you have to take it off. This procedure can be a bit tricky to perform, but it can be done at home with basic hand tools.
Pop the hood. Unbolt the windshield-washer bottle as well as the overflow tank using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket, taking both of them off the fan shroud.
Set the pry bar on the water-pump pulley so that it's wedged between two bolts and stops the pulley from turning. Then turn the fan nut counterclockwise using the 36 mm wrench.
Unbolt the fan shroud from the core support. Take the shroud and the fan off the engine as one unit, lifting them both out of the engine compartment.