It used to be that removing the steering wheel from your truck was a 2-step process, and could be done in just a few minutes time. Now though, there are airbags in the way which if not properly removed, can damage the person removing them greatly, even breaking bones in the process. But if you're careful and take your time, you can have the steering wheel out in under 30 minutes.
Pop the hood and disconnect the negative terminal of the battery using an open-end wrench. Let the truck sit for about 10 minutes before you work on the airbag.
Reach behind the steering wheel and unbolt the airbag from the steering wheel using a torx-head screwdriver. Tilt the airbag back into your hand and then unplug the airbag from the steering wheel.
Place the airbag in a safe place, with the base of the airbag facing down, so it looks like the horn is pointing up in the air. If you don't do it this way, then if a static charge ignited the airbag for any reason, it could become a projectile.
Unbolt the center nut from the steering wheel using a 1/2-inch ratchet, extension and socket, then place the nut to the side for later use.
Place the steering wheel puller onto the steering wheel so that the center bolt is loose against the center shaft of the steering wheel and the two side bolts included with the puller are threaded into the steering wheel body.
Tighten down the center bolt on the puller using the 1/2-inch ratchet and socket, and when the steering wheel pops off, use the ratchet to undo the puller from the wheel.