Serious damage and large repair costs might be the result if a mouse crawls into your blower motor or builds a nest in it. Proven methods of prevention -- that work on all vehicles - prevent mice from taking up residence in your vehicle. Adapt the steps slightly when working on the blower motors of cars, trucks, heaters and air conditioning units.
Lay rat traps, and spray the surrounding floor with mouse repellent. Install rat traps near the car -- and put a spray repellent on possible access points -- if parking in a closed garage. Sweep the area, and destroy any mouse nests you find.
Identify the entry point. Remove exterior covers with a screwdriver, and then look for any holes or gaps. The blower motor in a car is located behind the glove box. Take off the glove box, and then remove the blower cap.
Cover the hole or access point with wire mesh.; the method depends on the shape and make of the blower motor. Cut a 3- by-3 -inch mesh square, place it over the motor-blower canopy and drill screws into the four corners. Use super glue or cable ties if drilling is not an option.
Apply mouse repellent around the motor, or any entrances you find. Apply a new coat every month.