The lock on your truck helps protect against people stealing anything stored in the trunk. Unfortunately, it's also the way many thieves use to try to get into the trunk. Should your trunk lock be broken by a thief or just from a broken key, then you must replace it with a new one so your trunk can be secure again.
Open the trunk using the interior cable pull (if you don't have an interior trunk pull, then fold down the seats and crawl into the trunk to open it manually via the linkage or the emergency grab handle). Look on the inside of the trunk lid and locate the backside of the lock assembly, which should have a metal rod leading out of it connecting to the latch. This metal rod is the lock linkage. Remove the plastic clip holding the lock to the linkage using the flathead screwdriver.
Place the head of the flathead screwdriver against the flat clip that secures the lock to the backside of the trunk. Hit the back of the screwdriver with the hammer to push the clip out of the lock. Take the lock out of the trunk.
Insert the lock into the trunk and push the clip back in place to install the lock in the door. Install the linkage to the replacement lock by lifting the end of the metal rod on the linkage and inserting it in the round hole on the lock, then pushing the plastic clip onto the linkage to secure the two units together.
Insert the key into the trunk lock and turn it while watching the linkage. Make sure the linkage moves, and that the latch opens and closes. Shut the trunk, then try to unlock it with the key.