Clear coat is a layer of clear protectant that's like a clear paint. It is applied to the body of an automobile after the paint has been applied. This protective layer is meant to prevent damage to the paint by UV rays, scratches and chips. Over time, the clear coat can begin to look worn. At this point, it is best to restore it before the paint is damaged.
Sand the surface. This makes it easier for the clear coat to adhere to it. Be gentle. Rubbing too hard removes the paint.
Rub your hand across the surface and feel for any imperfections. Sand those away.
Cover surfaces that should not be painted with newspaper. Tape the newspaper in place. Do not apply the tape over areas where you will apply the clear coat.
Mix the clear coat according to the manufacturer's directions. Every type varies. Most are typically four parts clear coat to one part hardener.
Fill the paint gun with clear coat.
Spray the car evenly, much like you would spray paint over any surface, evenly in a left-to-right, back-and-forth motion. Wait for it to dry. Apply a second coat in the same manner.