Your Honda Civic LX is not impervious to break-ins. When a car is burglarized, the easiest targets tend to be the windows, of course, but also the various locks on the car. And since many people keep their valuables stored in the trunk, it is especially vulnerable. Fortunately, fixing a broken trunk lock on your Civix LX is not a complicated process; in fact, you can replace the lock with just two simple hand tools.
Open the trunk of your Civic, and locate the backside of the trunk lock on the lid. You will see the linkage, a metal rod going from the lock to the latch body.
Twist the plastic clip on the linkage off the lock, then pull the linkage out from the back of the lock.
Place the hammer on the clip that holds the lock to the back of the trunk, and hammer the handle of the screwdriver to pop the clip out of place. Then pull out the lock.
Insert the replacement lock and push the clip back into place. Reconnect the linkage.
Insert your key into the lock to test the linkage and ensure that the key still opens the trunk latch.