Putting down a nice paint job on that project car you've been working on is hard enough without having the aggravation of air line contaminants ruining it. Preventing moisture and oil from contaminating your air line and subsequently your paint job is all a matter of having the right equipment and using it properly. The key to keeping moisture out of your air line is to separate the moisture from the air entering your paint gun with an in-line air water separator and filter.
Locate a suitable position to mount the wall-mounted in-line air water separator and filter unit in your air supply line a few feet from the air compressor itself. This unit will remove most of the moisture from your air supply line and will also remove all other contaminants and leave you with a nice, clean air supply to not only your spray gun but your other tools.
Mount the tool-mounted mini in-line air water separator between your paint gun and the clean, dry air hose you will use only for painting. This mini air water separator will remove the last traces of moisture that may be in the air supply line just before it enters your spray gun.
Open the drain petcock valve on your compressor to drain any water from your compressor tank. Close the valve when the water is drained.
Test your new moisture-free air supply line to make sure it's leak-free and that the filters and separators work properly according to their instructions. Begin painting.