You can build your own truck bumpers as a less expensive alternative to having it done for you, to customize the appearance and durability of your bumper, or as just a fun project to work on for the weekends. There are several shapes and sizes you could choose from, so narrowing the specifics down to particular way of doing things is nearly impossible. The following instructions are meant for a smaller truck's rear bumper, and are certainly not the only way of doing things. This bumper is, however, quite simple to complete and the parts can easily be found and modified.
If your previous bumper has been cut off or damaged prior to being taken off, you may need new frame rails in order to attach a new bumper. For these, use ¼-inch angle iron and attach by welding onto the truck's frame on each side of the back from underneath. Decide on the length you want your rear bumper to be, and attach the rails accordingly.
Take accurate measurements of the area where you want your bumper to go. The size you desire is entirely up to your preferences and needs. Then visit your local metal yard, home improvement or hardware store and purchase an 11-inch high grade steel pole. Cut it in half. Now weld the hitch in place based on where you have decided your bumper will go.
Use the first piece of pipe and weld it on one side of the hitch, far enough back to be used. Then take the second piece of pipe and weld above the first one onto the truck frame. You may have to get under the truck in order to reach all side of the pipe and create a secure hold. When you are done, your new bumper should be capable of pulling other vehicles or being hitched to be pulled itself.