A car starter has the sole purpose of automatically starting the ignition when you press a button on your remote control -- no key needs to be turned in the ignition switch of the car. You may need to remove your starter for repair, or simply wish to disable the system. Either way, you can remove an after market starter using a few tools that most households already have on hand.
Remove the battery or batteries from the car starter's battery compartment. If the remote does not have a battery compartment lid to access the battery compartment, place it a minimum of 50 feet away from the car to avoid accidentally activating the system.
Park the car outside in your driveway. Put on the emergency brake. Release the hood release and open the hood.
Locate the fuel injector wiring module by referring to the instruction manual that came with the car, or by looking at the instruction manual that came with the car starter. Cut off the remote start tachometer wire close to the fuel injector wiring module with a wire cutters -- the remote tachometer wire will have been attached with electrical tape to the wiring module.
Seal the cut you made with the wire cutters using a strip of electrical tape. Close the hood.
Open the driver's door. Locate the remote starter module that is typically beneath the steering column or against the left wall, even with the steering column. Cut the plastic ties that are used to hold the module in place beneath the column or against the wall with the wire cutters
Snip off all of the wires attached to the module with the wire cutters. Wrap strips of electrical tape around the exposed ends of the wires where they were cut off from the module. Close the driver's door.