It can be very frustrating if you've just fitted a new battery to your Dodge Avenger and it won't start. However, in most cases you're likely to find it's a simple problem such as poor battery cable connections, or maybe you left some electrical equipment on and your new battery has gone dead. Follow a couple of procedures and you'll get your Dodge Avenger started.
Put on protective gloves. Open and secure the hood of your Dodge Avenger.
Check that the two battery cables are connected properly to the Dodge Avenger's new battery. Remove the negative cable from the terminal using a wrench, then remove the positive cable using a wrench. The cables are colored red and black and the terminals are labeled "Pos" and "Neg."
Clean the battery terminals and the battery cable connectors using a wire brush. Battery cable connectors get corroded and this stops the electricity from flowing correctly.
Replace the negative battery cable onto the negative battery terminal. Reconnect the positive battery cable onto the positive battery terminal.
Start your Dodge Avenger. If it starts, the problem is solved. If the engine doesn't turn over, or turns over very slowly, you need to check your battery is charged.
Use a voltmeter to check your Dodge Avenger's battery. Attach the sensor on the end of the red wire from the voltmeter onto the positive battery terminal. Attach the sensor on the end of the black wire onto the negative battery terminal.
Read the voltage output from the battery. If it reads between 11 and 12 volts your battery is charged, so there is another reason why your car won't start and you need to get it checked out by a professional. If the reading is less than 11 volts you need to charge your battery. The lower the reading the less power your battery has.
Put your battery on charge for several hours using a car battery charger. After several hours, try starting your car. If it starts, the problem is solved. If it doesn't start you need to get your Dodge Avenger checked out by a mechanic, as it's not a problem with your new battery.