The Toyota Prius, introduced in 2000, uses a combination electrical engine and standard combustion engine, making it an extremely environmentally-friendly hybrid. Like any other car, however, it is possible for the Prius' battery to go dead, but it can can be jump-started in much the same manner.
Open the hood. Simply pull the lever inside the driver side compartment, then depress the hood latch at the front of the hood, directly to the right of the Toyota hood emblem. Release the hood prop rod and settle it into the hole on the black fuse box cover, to the right, so the hood will remain propped open.
Press the clip on the narrow end of the fuse box cover and move it towards the windshield to lift it off.
Lift the small red cover bearing the plus sign to expose the positive battery terminal. Attach the positive end of your jumper cable to that post.
Locate the negative post. It is an unpainted bolt atop the suspension hump toward the windshield, outside the fuse box and towards the windshield. Attach the negative end of your jumper cables to this post.
Connect the other positive and negative ends of the jumper cables to the positive and negative posts on the battery of the running car.
Start your Prius as normal, and allow to run for at least 30 minutes. This allows the battery to properly charge.
Carefully detach the cables from the vehicles. Take great care not to let any end clamps touch while the cable is still attached to either car.