How to Remove the Starter on a Nissan 200SX SE 96

How to Remove the Starter on a Nissan 200SX SE 96

Damage to the starter on your 200SX occurs over time but can often be attributed to a weak or bad thrust spring within the starter. Although the starter’s pinion may still attempt to turn the flywheel on the engine, a bad thrust spring will cause the starter to disengage the pinion before the engine actually starts. The bad part about the situation is the time and labor required to replace the spring, which makes replacing the whole starter a better idea. The starter on the 1996 Nissan 200SX SE mounts beneath the car on the driver’s side, next to the transmission bell housing.

Things You'll Need

  • Socket wrench set
  • Hydraulic jack
  • Jack stand
  • White painter’s tape
  • Open the driver’s door and apply the emergency brake. Raise and support the hood on your 200SX.

  • Remove the negative battery cable from its post with a socket wrench. Lay the cable down along the side of the battery away from any other metal. The battery case should have a small minus sign next to the cable.

  • Raise the car on the driver’s side near the front tire with a hydraulic jack. Slide a jack stand directly under the frame rail near the hydraulic jack to help support the car. Rock the car back and forth slightly to make sure that it’s stable.

  • Slide under the car head first from the front end and locate the starter. It looks like a large capsule-shaped piece of metal. The solenoid is attached to the side of it and has three wires connected to it.

  • Unplug the wiring harness on the black wire coming out of the solenoid. Mark the other two wires connected to the solenoid with white painter’s tape for ease of replacement once you remove them.

  • Loosen and remove both of the nuts holding the wires in place on the solenoid with a socket wrench. Slide both of the wires off their terminal studs and tuck them along with the black wire to the side within the engine compartment.

  • Remove the upper starter mounting bolt with your socket wrench. Brace the starter or support it with your free hand and remove the lower mounting bolt. Place both hands on the starter and carefully lower it from its mounting position and out of the car.