Unlike a motorcycle, cars do not have a kickstart, so your options are more limited if your battery dies. Fortunately, in a car with a manual or standard transmission, rather than automatic, you can pop the clutch to start the car. This method works well if the battery is too low to turn over the engine, but if the battery is completely dead and no longer holds a charge, this method will not work and you'll have to replace the battery.
Get into the driver's seat and insert the key in the ignition. Turn the key to the "On" position.
Press the clutch pedal and the brake pedal down and shift the car into gear. If the front of the car is inclined higher than the rear of the car, shift it into reverse. If the rear of the car is higher and the car can roll forward, put it in first, second or third gear. Different cars may start better in different gears.
Let the brake pedal out (make sure the emergency brake is not engaged). Let the car begin rolling and rapidly pull your foot off the clutch. When the car lurches, press the clutch down again. The car should start.
Brake the car and shift back into neutral. If the engine stalls rather than starts, repeat Steps 2 and 3 and switch into a different gear. If you are rolling backwards, you cannot switch to a different gear.