Accidents between motorists happen every day. Law enforcement agencies encourage the reporting of accidents when they occur. When local law enforcement investigates the scene of an accident, they write an accident report. The accident report is assigned a specific case number to identify it. A case number on an accident report is often used by insurance companies to process claims. You have to report an accident to law enforcement to receive an accident report and a case number.
View the accident report you were given at the scene of the accident by a law enforcement officer. The case number will be displayed on the accident report. If you did not report the accident, you will not have an accident report or a case number.
Call the police department that handled the accident and asked to be transferred to their records department. You can contact the police department if you can not find your accident report or if you want to view the accident report of another person. Accident reports are available to the public.
Identify the accident. Describe the accident to aid the police department records department in a search for the accident report. Include the location of the accident and the date. Request a copy and pay any accident report duplication fees. Fees will vary by police department.
Receive the report and find the case number. You can go to the police department and pick it up or request it be mailed, emailed or faxed to you. The case number is usually displayed near the top of an accident report.
Locate the case number.