You’ve got some welding to do and you’ve just picked up a used Lincoln Weld-pak 100 welder. The Weld-pak 100 is an older entry level welder that will allow you to perform a variety of different welding techniques, including but not limited to arc and mig welding. While both techniques are similar, there are significant differences, the most obvious of which is that mig welding uses an inert gas to disperse oxygen and nitrogen which can cause poor welds. Mig welding also delivers more satisfying results to beginners with less training.
Start the drill motor and apply the rotating wire brush to the area of the metal to be cleaned. You must make the metal to be welded as clean as possible. Wipe it using a cleaning solvent if necessary. Open the jaw of the micrometer and close the jaw on the piece of metal to be welded. Read the thickness from the indicator.
Mate the two metal pieces to be welded. If necessary, hold them together using clamps.
Read the label inside the wire feed door to determine the wire feed rate and output voltage level. Plug the welder into a suitable power outlet. Turn the valve on the welding cylinder counterclockwise to turn on the welding gas.
Clamp the ground cable to the pieces being welded, as close to the location of the weld as possible.
Put the welding helmet on with the faceplate up. Place the tip of the welding wire no more than 1/2 inch from the desired location of the weld.
Lower the faceplate on the helmet and squeeze the trigger on the welding gun.
Move the welding gun along the joint, keeping it within 1/2 inch of the metal pieces. Move along the joint at the same rate the wire is feeding, smoothly to keep a good even weld joint.
Release the trigger at the end of the weld. Move the welding gun away from the work piece when the arc dies away. Lift the helmet faceplate. A perfect weld will resemble butter spread on bread or frosting on cake.