The Honda CR-V has both front and back bumpers that absorb shock from vehicles, shopping carts and other objects. The bumper is made of a thick, heavy black plastic material and is painted to match the body of the SUV. Damage is noticeable -- when the paint is scraped off, the black plastic shows through. Learn to repair a Honda CR-V bumper to restore its appearance.
Repair the damaged area with 180-grit sandpaper to remove the paint and make it smooth. Apply body filler putty with a plastic squeegee to dents, dings or holes in the bumper. Putty is more flexible than regular body filler even after it is hardened and less likely to form cracks. Let the putty dry for an hour before using 180-grit sandpaper to make the bumper's surface smooth and even.
Wipe the area with wax and grease remover, using a microfiber towel. This removes any dust, wax and grease particles that could cause bubbles in the paint. Place masking tape and paper around the area so that overspray and paint won't get on any of the surrounding surfaces of the bumper or CR-V.
Spray a thick coat of primer over the repaired area and wait 30 minutes for it to dry. Sand the primer with 220-grit sandpaper until the area is smooth. Wipe the sanded area down with wax and grease remover.
Apply three thin coats of paint to the primered area. Hold the sprayer six to eight inches from the surface and spray in thin, even coats so that the paint doesn't run. Wait 15 minutes between coats. Once the last coat has dried, apply three thin coats of clear coat paint, using the same spraying techniques. Carefully remove the masking tape and paper before the clear coat dries. Wait a full day before handling the area.