A truck bed can be hard to repair if there are large dents or damage to a large area. Usually a hammer and body dolly won't work on most of the bed because you can't get to the back side of the bed panel. Body shops charge many hours of labor to repair or replace a truck bed because of the labor involved. Save yourself money and learn how to repair or replace a truck bed.
Drill a hole in the center of any dents. Insert the dent puller and pull the dent out. Use the dent puller and the body hammer on the metal until the dent is as smooth as possible.
Grind the paint in and around the dent. Grind down to the paint so that the Bondo can stick to the metal.
Apply the Bondo to the entire dent. Smooth it with the plastic squeegee as you apply, but make sure the Bondo is higher than the metal surface surrounding the dent. Allow the Bondo to dry completely.
Sand the Bondo until it is smooth and even with the painted surface surrounding the dent. Use 36 grit sand paper and a sanding block.
Apply the body filler over the Bondo until all of the Bondo is covered. Allow the filler to dry.
Use the 80 grit sandpaper to sand the body filler until it is smooth and even with the painted surface surrounding the dent. Now use the 120 grit paper to make the filler even smoother and ready to be primed and painted.
Get under the truck bed to locate and remove the large bolts that hold the bed to the frame of the truck. There should be one or two bolts in each corner of the truck on the underside. An air ratchet is needed because the bolts are very hard to remove; a hand tool is not strong enough.
Gather three other people to help remove the bed. Truck beds are very heavy and will require at least one adult at each corner. Lift the bed up over the frame and walk towards the back of the truck to remove the bed.
Sit the truck bed on top of two large sawhorses. The bed can then be repaired or hauled off without as much effort.