The 1998 Chevy Blazer was manufactured in two-wheel and four-wheel drive models with either a five-speed manual transmission or a four-speed manual transmission. It was also made in two and four door models with both having a backseat with room for three passengers. The vehicle has a 4.3-liter V-6 engine, and it features power steering, air conditioning and a rear storage area. Troubleshoot the Blazer by monitoring the engine performance and making basic mechanical observations.
Have the electrical system professionally serviced if the gauges fail, the hazard lights fail, the engine shuts down through the security system or the brakes randomly engage without driver assistance. All of these problems are traced to issues in the electrical system and many are associated with recalls.
Clean the fuel injectors if the engine cranks but does not start. The injection system can become clogged with grime and can fail to supply fuel to the engine. Also check the injectors for leaking fuel. The injectors must be replaced if they are leaking.
Drive the vehicle and monitor the engine for power as you accelerate. The fuel pump must be replaced if the engine sputters and fails to supply power relative to the amount of pressure placed on the gas pedal. Also monitor the Blazer for steering difficulty. Replace the power steering pump if the steering wheel is stiff and requires a large amount of strength to turn.
Monitor the transmission performance as your drive. If the transmission slips, fails to shift or grinds, it must be flushed and refilled with new fluid. If the problem continues, the transmission may require a rebuild. Also pay attention for pulling to one side after shifting out of four-wheel drive. The 1998 Blazer may stick in four-wheel drive, causing you to shift in and out until it disengages.
Inspect the engine for leaks and check the fluid levels. If the fluids are low and major leaks are evident, inspect further for blown gaskets. The manifold gasket and intake gasket will cause engine failure if the seal breaks. Replace the gasket and the fluids to solve the problem.