From time to time your 1997 Oldsmobile 88 may not start. Before calling a tow truck, there are a number of things you can do at home to try and get it started, or at least possibly determine where the problem may be. When you turn the key to start your car a number of things have to happen for the engine to start. There has to be the correct mixture of fuel and air into the engine cylinders, there needs to be a spark from the sparkplug and the entire system is reliant on the battery and starter motor to get everything turning.
Insert the key into the ignition of 1997 Oldsmobile 88 and turn the key to start the car. As you turn the key to the start position listen and smell for indications of the problem. If nothing happens at all, then you likely have an electrical problem with the battery or solenoid. If you hear a clicking sound that is usually a good indication of starter motor problem. If you smell gas but the engine doesn't start then the issue may be with the spark plugs.
Remove the key from the ignition and open the hood to Oldsmobile 88. Inspect the battery and battery cables. Remove the cable from the battery posts and clean the battery post and cables with a wire brush. Follow the cables from the battery to the solenoid and starter motor. Remove the cables from them and clean the connections using the wire brush.
Check the fuel level on the gas gauge inside the car. During the engine start up if you do not smell gas, you may be out of gas or the fuel pump in the gas tank may need to be replaced.
Remove the sparkplug wires from the sparkplug and remove the sparkplugs using a sparkplug wrench. Buy new sparkplugs, re-gap them using a gap tool and replace them and connect the sparkplug wires.