The oil can icon in the instrument cluster digital display on the Dodge Sprinter van is the engine oil level indicator lamp. The lamp warns you that the oil level has dropped to a point close to the minimum mark on the engine's dipstick. Problems with the oil can warning lamp can be related to the light not going out and illuminating only briefly. You can troubleshoot such issues by following these steps.
Turn the key in the ignition to the second position and identify the correct light if you believe you are having problems with it. The oil can icon is the fifth icon from the left and shows an oil can with a drip of oil protruding from the spout. The light should illuminate solidly in this key position, and illumination does not indicate a problem.
Turn the key to the engine's start position and start the engine if the oil can light came on in the previous step and is still on. The light should extinguish as the engine starts.
Open the hood and check the oil dipstick if the light did not go out when you started the engine, or if the light stayed on for a while and then went out. The light can illuminate briefly with the engine on to indicate low oil level, or the light can stay on, which indicates excessively low oil level.
Look for oil leaks under the van. If leaks are detected, have the van serviced. If no leaks are showing, check the dipstick to see if the oil level is low. If so, unscrew the engine oil filler cap, add oil and check the dipstick again. Monitor the oil can light for normal operation.